Colas - the soft drinks also known as soda in US.
It is a fad among misguided and untutored youth of our country.
Parents are to be blamed, since knowingly they encourage their children, often blaming their kids saying " They like colas and nothing else". In the first place who taught them and allowed them to indulge in drinking colas. Parents of children should think, youth should refrain from colas. The notion that drinking colas is the fashionable trend nowadays, is nothing but very pathetic to say the least. If they just give their time to the ill effects it does to the body, they will stay away from it.
A can of cola, 330 ml, contains 10 teaspoons sugar and about 50 mg of caffeine, along with artificial colours and sulphates.
Cola's effects on the body:
1)In 10 minutes, after having cola, body system is hit by a huge dose of sugar and in another 10 minutes, body sugar level shoots up and liver does it work and turn it into fat.
2)In 40 minutes, 50 mg of caffeine dilates the pupil, raises blood pressure. This high sugar and pressure gives the body a feeling pf 'high'. But soon afterwards the sugar level crashes and body feels fatigue, tiredness and lethargy. When cola taken twice or thrice a day, the body will also have to awing between high and low sugar levels, the whole day.
3) A can of cola a day, adds a pound or more weight to the body mass.
4)risk doubles for diabetes.
5)phosphoric acid, added to colas to give a 'tang' to it, weakens the bones by depleting calcium from them. In addition it dissolves tooth enamel causing cavities. It also promotes formation of kidney stones.
6)The caffeine is cause for jitters, insomnia,high blood pressure,
7)Colas can bring down the level of potassium in blood, thereby leading to mild to profound muscle paralysis.
8)Sodium Benzoate- the preservative- can alter DNA
9)Diet Soda- packed with about 25% more caffeine- is not an alternative to regular ones,and is also a misnomer.
10)Aspartame- the chemical in diet soda- causes about 92 side-effects, of which a few are; brain tumors, birth defects, diabetes,emotional disorders,epilepsy/seizures.
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