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Thursday, October 29, 2009


Overeating will enlarge your stomach, when we habitually eat large meals, the stomach muscles are overstretched making them loose their natural elasticity. Our stomach is naturally only the size of our closed fist. As stomach stretches we have to eat more to feel 'full;. As this routine continues stomach will not have the time to return to its normal size. Stomach usually when emptied starts to return to its normal size. It is also possible to shrink the stomach back to its size, if we follow a few tips, which are quick and safe.
Increase taking fibre rich food. This kind of food fill up the stomach faster with little quantity. This fullness makes the stomach to signal  the brain that it is full and thereby avoid large quantities.

You should make it a habit to take atleast 20-30 minutes to finish your meal. Many dieters frame their mind that if they skip a meal than that much calorie  is consumed less by the body. This may be true only for that one  particular meal.. When in reality, this skipping the meal, will make the dieter to overeat the next  meal. So in effect the calories saved by skipping the meal is added by overeating the next meal. Alternatively follow to eat small meals frequently, as this will gradually slowly and surely minimise the stomach sretch. In long stomach will shrink. You can have about 5 to 6 small meals intead of 3 large ones.
In recent years, gastric bypass surgery is becomming popular. This surgery shrinks the  stomach size along with that of the intestines also. There is almost 60 persent reduction in weight. But this surgery is advisiable only where obesity is very huge.
Always be in a positive frame of mind, as the negative emotions such as sadness, depression, anxiety, fear and anger makes way to overeating, Compose your mind with yoga.

Raghu Natrajan

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