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Saturday, October 3, 2009


A number of factors are responsibile for Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), amoung them are stress,unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and smoking(refer to article EVERY ONE SAY NO TO TOBACCO in my other posts)

A good news, often not realised by most people, is that almost 80% of premature deaths due to heart disease and stroke can be avoided if the risk factors are kept under control. An individual can work any number of hours provided he/she enjoys it, otherwise it causes stress. Workplace stress and associated problems are increasing day by day. In the beginning the symptoms of stress are relatively mild such as choronic headaches and one's susceptibility to colds. The stress induced condition in a person may include: Depression, Diabetes, hair loss, heart disease, obesity, sexual dysfunction,ulcers,anxiety disorders.


1.By Neutralising stress by techniques, such as meditation, yoga and deep breathing exercises, which can be learnt easily and bring the body to a calm state.
2. By Prevention: here let us see the person's personalities relating to stress.
a) Negative Personalities say type A(aggresive and implusive nature) and type C(Concealed and non-communicative nature).These personalities trigger negative chain reaction in their body, thereby increasing the hormones-adrenaline, nonardenaline and cortisol responsible for rise in heart rate, blood pressure, LDL increase while HDL is decreased, which leads to narrowing of the coronary artires, thus reducing the supply of blood supply to heart.

b)Positive Personalities say type B (Calm abd Balanced noture) These persons trigger positive reaction in their body, thereby increasing hormones such as endorphines, melatonin and serotonin which helps heart to function normally.

So these negative nature persons have to change their mindset. Stress can be easily avoided by better organisation, efective time management and inter personal rappo at the workplace.

In addition Exercise and lifestyle changes go a longway in preventing heart diseases.

Exercise:- Is one of the most effective stress reduction technique. Exercises catalyses the release of mood enhancing chemicals in our body. This makes one fitter, gives a healthier mindset and also boosts immunity. 30 to 35 minutes of physical activity three to five times a day is all it takes to get all the benefits a heart reqyires.

Lifestyle Changes:
a) Avoid Smoking
b) Healthy Diet
c) Good sleep

Raghu Natrajan

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