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Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Winter can be tough on your hair, if you don't learn to cope with the cold winds, winter can wreak havoc on
your hair. During winter hair becomes dry, dull and brittle. Dry hair can cause a flaky scalp, which is a root cause for dandruff. During winter, both hair and scalp loose moisture due to lack of humidity. Dry hair is difficult to manage. The dry heat indoors make the oil glands in the scalp to produce more oil, which causes the hair to be weighed down. At the same time the dry air outside absorbs all the moisture and make your hair look dull and dead. Dry hair cannot retain its sheen and texture. So winter is high maintenance time for the hair.

a) Use hair spray with UR protection when out in the sun.
b)Dry your hair at roots than at the ends.
c)Trim regularly split ends.

a)Don't blow dry on high heat.
b)Don't over brush when wet.
c)Don't shampoo daily.
d)Avoid harsh chemicals like dyes.

The maintenance of hair in winter require these :
1)Proper Nutrition,
2)Keep the scalp clean.
3)Utmost caution when using cosmetics.
4)Keep an eye on your hair and plan your treatment when you notice: Brittle hair, flaky scalp and split ends.

So in winter give an external serum treatment to your hair and avoid perming and colouring as these depletes
the oils and moisture from the hair.

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