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Friday, July 16, 2010

Fitness Space-sun tan-ways to keep your skin undamaged.

Rising temperatures are not good for your skin.[ 8MFTP276R4M4]One should know and understand the type and nature of the skin and use non-toxic ingredients to avoid or mitigate, dryness, suntan and adopt ways to keep the skin clean and cool.
 Bright Sun
When the skin is exposed to sun for a long time, it burns the skin and darkens it, causing suntan. to avoid darkening of skin, due to sun exposure, apply sunscreen before going out into the open. This lotion forms a protective layer which prevents the ultraviolet rays from damaging the skin.
Moisturize the skin
The most essential thing for the skin to look healthy is the moisture content it has. In dry weather there will be a free flow of skin’s natural oil, through the expanded pores of the skin. in hot weather the skin looks oily. So one should use a light Moisturizer, oil free in hot weather.
Cleaning the skin
Use delicate facial cleansers to your skin and keep the skin always clean. Don’t allow sweat oil and dust to remain on your skin.

Acne and pimples.
Excessive exposure to sun makes way for expansion of the pores on the skin, resulting in too much sweating and oil to secrete. If not taken care, this may lead to formation of Acne and pimples. use recommended face packs, cleansers, according to your skin type.
It is also essential that you keep your skin cool to avoid rashes due to excessive heat. Clear the dead skin out by using various exfoliating scrubs.
How and what to use?Sun Tan
1)The skin is classified as dry, oily and natural.
2)Know the type of your skin and buy the packs, cleansers, moisturizers, toners suitable to your type of skin.
3)Apply them as per the instructions given.
4)Choose the brand after a detailed discussion with experts and inputs from friends.
Raghu Natrajan.

Raghu Natrajan

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