Sleep is the healing phase for the body. Sleep is the time for regeneration,repair and growth. during sleep time, especially in very deep sleep, the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant. This system facilitates the rest and digest phase of our body. this system triggers the relaxation response.
a. It makes one to loose concentration and groggy.
b. Decision making and reaction time is slowed.
c. It impacts factory workers and is rsponsible for causing damsges.
d. Relationship with oneself as well as others get affected.
e. It is found to be the cause for many road accidents.
f. Caffenine or any drug induced state, creates an adrenaline rush, which make one difficult to fall into deep sleep. Adrenaline, a stress hormone, if induced for a longer period, causes problems like fatigue, depression and inability to cope with changes.
g. Sleep disorder range from insomnia tp other complications. For sleep apenia (obstruction of airway passage)there are many reasons and many degress of airway passage obstruction, which results in snoring, gasping and obstructed breath. Sleep is obstructed.
h. When one is aggravated or angry, he tightens his jaw, which may cause tightness in the neckand in back. during sleep one invaluntarily grinds his teeth or clenching of jaw due to this. This is a sleep disorder and the symptoms for this is mlgraine and headache, irritability,achu jaw,depression, eye and ear irritation.
The solution for less sleep is not sleeping pills, which is associated with slurred speech, slowed reflexes and poor judgements. The root cause for this disorder can be addressed by changes to lifestyle and attitude.A good plantbased B complex will strengthen the nervous system and brain. Relaxing body therapies and massage to release muscles are very usefull.Practice of yoga asanas,deep breathing and meditation is important. Asanas are good to release nervous agitation and soothes the system. Oratice should be gentle and done consciously.
One directly important asana is shava asana. As the name denotes, you have to lie down on your back as a 'corpse'. close your eyes and stretch your hand, palm upwards, by your side. Slowly bring to your awarness that your body,part by part, is not in contact with the earth and that your are weightless. Be aware of your breath and watch your breath going in and comming out for about 10 minutes, without your mind wavering. If your mind wanders, bring it back very gently and at no time go against or try to 'order' your mind. do this before going to bed.
As for breathing. allow your mind to focus on nreath. Watch it go in and come out. Breath first through your left nostril as much as you can very slowly and after closing your lefy nostril, breath out only through your right nostril as slowly as possible. Now breath in through right and out through lefy. Your breath in and breath out should be for a period as long as you can, and at the same time as slowly as possible. You will be suprised to realise the significant reduction in the number of thoughts. There are various breathing practices, that access the 3 lobes of the lunges. Anxiety and depression will fall away.
Culivate a balanced approach to life, both internal and external. Do as much acitivites as you can. but at the same time take enough rest as well. Learn to love and being kind to one and all. When one is holding on to anger and resentment one is not only blocking he 'prana' or 'energy' but also brain acitivity as well.
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