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Friday, March 12, 2010


Women , more than men, shudder at the mere mention of breast cancer, since it is dreadful, and threatning, as they are more prone to development of breast cancer due to female hormones. All known risk factors, for the develoment of breast caner, are complex and perhaps are unpredictably interactive with each other and as well with the individual. Due to this, many with strong risk factors live a disease free life, while others succumb to it. Being a women, and due to the constant exposure to the female hormones oestrogen and progesterone is a strong risk factor. In men breast cancer is very rare, but some may develop breast cancer.

Given below are the known factors
1) Gender
2) Age-The development of a lump at an old age is likely to be cancer.
3)Family History-With cancer affected female relations, the fisk doubles and the risk is increased if the relative is a male.
4) Gene-BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 are susceptiblee to development of breast cancer in some.
5)Menstural- If the starting age is lower and ending age is higher, the risk is relatively higher,Women with no children or when beget children at a late age, above 35 years, also have a higher risk.
6)Hormone Therapy- Long term use of hormone therapy(Oestrogen and progesterone) increases the risk.
7)Previous cancer- for one who had a cancer previously, the risk triples for developing another cancer.
8)Contraceptive- Usage of oral contraceptive enhances the risk, if discontinued the risk declines.
9)Alcohol- The risk increases proportionately with quantity.
10)Obesity anf physical inactivity also plays a role.

Raghu Natrajan

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