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Friday, March 12, 2010


Sugar has no place in a diabetic"s diet. So is sugar substitutes. Sugar has loads of calories but no nutrients or fiber. IT quickly gets absorbed and raises blood sugar levels dangerously. We all know that in diabetes, sugar level is to be kept under control. When sugar level in blood goes up, we take insulin, which clears the blood sugar away(refer to article: Truth behind the sweet(sugar) stories)

These days sugar free food items and drinks are available in plenty in market, but are these better than sugar to diabetic patient or to other individuals. These sugar substitutes have far worse health effects and the original itself.

a)Aspartame, the chemical used in sugar substitutes, has been linked with slow and silent damage to health. This can be found in products like diet sodas(refer to article:Colas do nothing but harm to the body), juices,jams.chewing gums, candy, sweets, chocolates etc.,. Prolong use has been known to cause Alzheimer's disease, brain tumor and Parkinson's disease in young people. Aspartame can cause depression, anxiety, dizziness, panic attacks, nausea, irritability, loss of memory, lack of concentration and difficulty in reading and writing.

b)Sucralose, has links to poor blood sugar control, enlarged liver and kidneys, decreased red blood cell count, abortions, extended pregnancy and accelerated aging.
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The other, such as neotame and Saccharin also affect the body with for worse health effects. The substitutes
though sweater than sugar by more than 200 times. they do not reduce our craving for sugar, but actually increase our craving for sugar and carbs. So it is best to avoid these artificial sweeteners totally and health experts at the same time recommend STEVIA, a naturally found sweetening herb, as an ideal one. This herb can be used in cooking, baking and frying.

Raghu Natrajan

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