
Book Your Flight Tickets

Monday, November 8, 2010


The benefits of any physical fitness program should be to the whole body. That is your exercise routine must concentrate on improving the overall fitness of the body.You should increase your strength, stamina and suppleness.
Swimming for Stamina Stamina,the ability to keep yourself going, is a key factor for any athlete to perform well. Building better stamina can be accomplished through a variety of means and will help you achieve more in all areas of life. Stamina, or endurance can be improved by moving the large muscle groups in the body,in a rhythmic and continues motion.This kind of motion can be got from running,jogging,skipping and sports such as football, tennis and swimming.This kind of exercise is very beneficial for your heart's health.The aerobic activity pushes the heart to pump more oxygen to cells within the body.A well conditioned heart can pump more blood with fewer heartbeat than a less conditioned heart.
You must control your blood sugar levels,Which may effect your stamina.Your brain sends signals to the body and is responsible for every thing that happens inside the body.The fuel for brain is glucose.This glucose is not stored in brain.There is direct relation between glucose level and blood sugar levels.When blood sugar level is
high, the excess gets stored as fat, which effects your stamina.At the same time when sugar level goes down due to longer intervals between meals,brain doesn't gets its fuel.When brain is denied fuel to function smoothly fatigue sets in and effects your stamina.Eating smaller, more frequent meals will help keep blood sugar regulated throughout the day.
A strength exercise routine should include exercises for the whole body starting from upper body, mid section to lower body.Due to strength exercises bones and muscles get strong.Strength exercise enhances calcium absorption in bones,which helps building of bones and bones to stay strong. Push-up Exercise Regular exercise results in increased bone density.Exercise such as push-ups,pull-ups and squats are very useful to tone your muscles.Running or walking up-hill will strengthen the thigh muscles.Using one's own body weight as resistance is the simplest and easiest way to build muscle strength.A good physical body increases your confidence levels as well as keeps you active all day.
Suppleness is the ability to bend or twist with ease.This motion of a joint 
can be increased by stretching.Stretching exercises improves this suppleness of the body allowing one to bend and move easily without discomfort.The full range of the motion can be gone through with ease.Stretch exercise After a workout or a game or a routine exercise, stretching exercise is a must and be done without fail.This exercise keeps you more relaxed and flexible, gives a better coordination between the muscles and helps to prevent injuries.Your movements will have a graceful look.
Raghu Natrajan

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